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OSSS Subscriber Group

OSSS Subscriber Group


Gain access to the following when you become an OSSS Subscriber! $9.99/month

🤓Asking us business questions (Much like Mini-Business
🧠Brainstorm sessions but in real-time!)
🤫Exclusive content
📣Shout-outs (great for your biz reach!)
🎉Early access to new services
💰Discount code on services

There will be guidance to the group for various services should a monthly package be beneficial for their needs! Don’t forget - you’ll get an exclusive discount on those services should you sign up since you joined the group! Please be advised this group is a community setting and is not a replacement for the 1:1 services offered in hourly packages.

Invoices well be sent via QuickBooks on a monthly basis.
Communication will be a CLOSED FACEBOOK GROUP

Once payment is received, you will receive an invite via Facebook to join the group.

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